Pliant Booklet’s English Grammar 1

Pliantul conţine: The Noun – Types of nouns, Countable vs. Uncountable Nouns, Quantifiers; The Article – Definite and Indefinite Articles; The Possessive: ’S/ S’ and OF; The Adjective – Quality Adjectives, The Comparison of Regular Adjectives, Adjectives Expressing Nationality, Adjectives ending in –EN and –ING; The Pronoun: The Demonstrative Pronoun and Adjective, The Personal Pronoun, Distributive Pronouns and Adjectives, Relative Pronouns and the Relative Clause.

Toate noţiunile gramaticale conţin definiţie, forme, tipuri, cazuri şi funcţii sintactice, gen şi persoană, exemplificări etc.


14,00 lei

Cod Produs: ENP27

Format: A4

Nr. Pagini: 6

Nivel de limbă: A1-A2

Tip Carte: Pliant

ISBN: 978-606-590-052-3

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